Carol Milgard Breast Center

Location: Tacoma, WA
Area: 21,000 SF

BCRA provided design for a unique breast health facility that serves the South Sound community. Our interior designers created a soothing, spa-like ambiance through high-end design components and a keen understanding of the flow of staff within the space. Design included an efficient blend of administrative and patient care spaces over three floors. BCRA responded to the Center’s focus on health education by providing multipurpose community meeting spaces with flexible and storable furniture. The final design exudes comfort and reduces stress for visitors and staff.


Careful attention was paid to patient confidentiality and navigable wayfinding, which included a concierge care layout and branded signage. Natural themes are introduced through custom environmental graphics on interior and exterior signage, which focus on a sunburst; a favorite symbol of the center’s namesake, as well as local plant life.

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